Online Safety
A whole school approach to online safety helps ensure staff, governors and parents are able to teach children about staying safe when using internet technologies. It also helps make sure pupils themselves know how to behave responsibly online. Our Association is committed to making sure that pupils make good choices.
We are accredited with the 360 Online Safety Mark.
This is to award the quality of our online safety provision and our continuing commitment to pupil, staff and community development.
Online Safety Policies
Online Safety Websites for Children and Parents
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer.
Childline 0800 1111
This link contains advice and information for children and young people. There are safe forums where you can discuss any worries that you have and a link to enable you to talk directly to a professional who can help you. Remember that you should also speak to any of the adults in school who are also able to help you.
National Online Safety are an organisation that provide a comprehensive bank of easy-to-follow parent guides. They are updated regularly and free to download.
10 top tips about...
What parents need to know about...
Helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children. Advice, tips and resources for parents and carers, teachers and young people.
We help children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP here.