The mustard seed “is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.
Matthew 13:31-32 (New Living bible)
School vision:
Our Narrative-The Mustard Seed
BBR Church of England Primary school is a place for all to grow. Each child is nurtured, and enabled to flourish through our teaching and care. Each individual is like a mustard seed, which grows by being part of our school and is supported by our whole school community. We aim to nurture our school family and empower us to develop and grow our God given talents and reach our full potential in a safe, happy and vibrant school with a strong Christian ethos at the heart of our village community. We strive to support and challenge pupils and adults as they grow emotionally, academically and spiritually.
The whole school community is a place for all to belong so we grow confidently into caring, responsible and hopeful people. As a church school we believe that such belonging reflects what Jesus calls the Kingdom of God. The Mustard seed “is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
The school values of Responsibility, Individuality, Community, Hope and Growth are nurtured, developed and celebrated in every aspect of the school's daily life.
As in the parable mustard seed, we take responsibility for all in our community. We provide a safe, nurturing place, encouraging everyone to take responsibility for self and the world around them. We teach our children to make the responsible choice, even if it is not the easiest one.
As in the parable of the mustard seed, we are inclusive and have room for everyone. Knowing they are valued, the children are well placed to be who they want to be. We encourage the children to be engaged, enthusiastic and curious learners. Each of us is a unique individual and, like the mustard seed, we all have the potential to grow and to flourish.
Everyone is encouraged to take on responsibilities for making sure the school runs smoothly but also taking responsibility for wider issues by being global citizens. Like the tree that the seed in the parable becomes, we aspire for our school to be a place where everyone feels at home; for us all to become the people that God calls us to be.
As in the parable of the mustard seed, we provide children with a range of experiences and opportunities which gives them the confidence and belief to do their best and believe anything is possible for them. Big things can come from small beginnings; who knows what great things our pupils will go onto achieve in the future?
While the mustard seed is tiny, with the perfect conditions it grows, becomes strong and attracts birds to rest among its branches. We believe that all of our pupils have the potential to do well, to succeed in their learning and to become a valued member of society, regardless of their starting point. The parable can be a metaphor for our children, who blossom during their time here preparing them for the next stage of their journey, at secondary school, and for their role in modern British Society. We strive to support and challenge pupils and adults as they grow emotionally, academically and spiritually.
We are committed to “nurturing each individual”; we invite everyone to “Grow with us”.
Our Mission:
To nurture individual growth and inspire an enthusiasm for learning
At our school we aim to:
- Promote and offer opportunities for the learning partnership between children, parents, teachers and governors
- Enable each child to achieve his/her full potential through a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum
- Encourage each child to develop a sense of self-esteem, self-discipline, personal responsibility and respect for others
- Maintain strong links with the church and local community and ensure that the school continues to be seen as an essential future asset for the villages
- Promote spiritual awareness and respect for all other religions, races and cultures
- Provide a stimulating, safe and secure environment, which fosters a sense of pride and ownership in the school
- Provide a broad range of challenges and experiences in order to enhance the confidence, knowledge and skills of our children in order to prepare them for the next phase of their education and the world of work.
- To work with other local schools to develop social, educational and sports opportunities in a wider context
Our Values:
Responsibility – We show respect for others and aim to do the right things in the right way
Individuality – We encourage independent thinking, building self-confidence and perseverance
Community – We are a happy family, we work well together and are active in our local community, recognising our impact on the wider world
Hope – We share our enthusiasm for life and learning and encourage aspiration
Growth – We develop knowledge, skills and behaviours for success at high school and a rewarding life
British Values
Bramfield CE Primary promotes 'Fundamental British Values' as defined by Ofsted as - Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs