Eco Warriors – What we’ve been up to.
On Friday 29th September the Eco Warriors and Guardians of the Garden went to the Climate Conference in Halesworth at St. Mary’s Church, where we were able to take part in lots of different activities.
Our first set of activities were with some members from Banham Zoo, where we were challenged to match a close up picture of an animal eye with the correct animal name. We had to use our knowledge of the animals and their features to complete this – We got them all correct! Moving on from matching the eyes, we had to match the poo! We had several different samples to identify & were very surprised at some of the answers. We were able to look at a real Ostrich egg, crocodile head & get an up close look at a turtle.
For our next activity we had to write a message to hang on the hope tree. We were asked to write about one thing we hoped would change in the future to benefit our planet. A lot of our hopes were to use less fuel to reduce our air pollution.
We carried out a quiz throughout the afternoon and learnt lots about what our local communities are doing to protect our wildlife - We were really interested in how we can protect and look after hedgehogs at home and within our school. We also looked at different ways in which we can recycle and this got us thinking about our next project for Bramfield.
The Eco Warriors have enrolled on the Rotary Club Young Environmentalist competition. The theme is waste minimisation and we have chosen to look at ways we can reduce the amount of waste we are putting into our school bins each week. We are working with the senior leadership team in school to introduce hand driers that will reduce paper towel waste. Furthermore, we are hoping that our catering supplier will look at ways they can reduce food packaging.
Road Safety Officers
Our new Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO) are Alex, Ellie-Jean, Samuel and Frankie.
This year have decided to promote bike safety in our school community. To start the project off we have demonstrated the importance of wearing a cycle helmet using the egg helmet. An egg is placed in the egg helmet and dropped onto the floor and because the helmet the egg has no cracks and is one piece.
All of the year 6 pupils who took part in bike ability passed both stage one and two of the course helping them to use the roads safely to get around.
Before the clocks went back in the autumn term we launched a colouring competition to raise awareness about being bright and being seen as they walk or cycle home from school or clubs in the evenings.
We continue to support the school community walking to church for our regular visits. As JRSO we take responsibility for ensuring everyone has a high viz jacket on. We position ourselves at the front and back of the procession and using our walkie talkies guide us safely across the main road on our journey to church. It is a big responsibility and we enjoy working with the teachers to make sure we are all safe.
Health and Safety Committee
The health and safety group have had a new addition to the team, our mascot who the school named. We had a guess the name of the new health and safety mascot - Harley won with the name Scout. Scout is always looking around with the health and safety team to make sure that everyone is safe and knows what to do in an emergency.
At the end of the summer term we had Lucy from the local fire bigrade in to remind everyone how to be safe around water. Lucy reminded us how to use the safety flags on the beach to make sure it is safe to swim in the sea. She also gave us some advice for how to help someone who found themselves in difficulty in the water without putting ourselves in danger too.
Everyone enjoyed taking part in Bubble drill - the bubbles represent smoke and children have to crawl under the bubbles into the clean air (as if they were in a fire situation). A fun activity with a serious message.
As usual at the start of the school term health and safety group have been working with the new reception children to prepare them for a fire drill. Scout and the health and safety team made sure all of reception were calm and quickly got to the muster point for our first fire drill of the school year.
Ethos group
The Ethos group is committed to promoting and embedding our school values throughout all aspects of school. Each half term we promote a value through activities around our school prayer tree.
Open the book have been into school to share bible stories linked to our collective worship value. The year 3 and 4 children have enjoyed dressing up and taking part in the retelling of the stories.
Year 5 and 6 have enjoyed a visit to Norwich Cathedral and the Mosque. They learnt about how Christians and Muslims worship in their scared buildings.
We are continuing to encourage the whole school community to use the indoor and outdoor prayer areas. This term so far, we have had lots of thoughts and prayers shared on the responsibility playing cards.
Our new school church banner was blessed at our end of year celebration service at St Andrews by Reverend Dominic. Since then, it has led us on our procession to church for our harvest service and it was taken to the diocese Christmas song project at the start of the Autumn term. The harvest festival saw the church full to over flowing with lots of parents and members of the school community joining us to celebrate Gods wonderful gifts. All the donations of food were taken to the Halesworth food bank where they were gratefully received.
Sports Committee
Sports leaders this year are actively helping to organise and run lunchtime activities. They have taken responsiblity for putting out equipment and setting up games. Everyone is enjoying the variety of activities that they can join in with during the week.
A team of year 5 and 6 took part in the tag rugby event. All the games were played well and the we showed respect to the other teams we played. Skarlet and Oscar scored for our school. Everyone worked hard to pass effectively and made sure all players had the ball in each game. We were good sports people and congratulated the opponents even when they scored against us. It was a good team effort.
Match report by Toby and Taylor.