A key shift within the English school system, in the last few years, has been an increase in the number of schools working together in both formal and informal arrangements.
“The current drive to create a self-improving school system is weighted heavily on the premise that clusters of schools will work with, learn from and support one another to develop localised solutions to the challenges they might face. The aim is context specific strategies for improvement, more willing distribution of professional knowledge and schools sharing resources more efficiently than they might previously have done (Hargreaves, 2010; 2012).”
Over a decade ago Brampton Governors and Ringsfield Governors decided to form a soft federation by sharing a Headteacher and by bringing the two schools together to share various resources. This successful arrangement then developed into a Hard Federation when the two Governing bodies joined to form one Body. The Governing Body then made a careful and considered decision to join the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi-Academy Trust. The Academy Trust then invited Bramfield School Governors and the Brampton and Ringsfield Governors to create an Association across the three schools.
Our model is an Executive Headteacher who operates across the Association with individual Heads of Schools. This models has meant that the role of the Executive Headteacher has become more strategic, with a strong focus on educational leadership and the ability to engender system-wide school improvement.
Similarly, governance has a strategic overview and is able to hold leadership to account on how targeted funding has had an impact across our schools. One Governing Body over the three schools means more in-depth monitoring with other schools and practioners to benchmark against. Evidence also suggests a shared business manager frees up time for senior leaders to focus on teaching and learning so the schools benefit from a highly skilled manger who is dedicated to finding best value for our Association.
As far as the impact of collaboration on staff is concerned there are many benefits, particularly professional development and leadership training. Shared expertise, specifically subject expertise, facilitates curriculum development and the joint improvement of resources. The research report also points to an increased motivation by teachers to engage in professional dialogue and a shift towards a more learning oriented and enquiry based culture as a result of teachers working together.
The evidence points to a number of positive consequences of inter-school collaboration in relation to impacts upon students, teachers, school improvement and organisational efficiency.
We don’t just collaborate with our Association schools we have also developed many partnership with other organisations and agencies.
Bramfield Church of England Primary School
Brampton Church of England Primary School
Ringsfield Church of England Primary School